Chapter 2
The World of the Unknown.
“ Arghhh…ouch..” uttered weakly by Changmin
He felt a sting of pain from his head and touches it. He saw blood on his hands.
“Damn!” he shouted.
“What the heck happened?” Changmin wondered.
He tried to remember what had happened and the last thing that he could vividly remember is that he was falling from the ground crack while the winged lion watched him fall down with the fierce eyes. And after that, he just found himself helpless on this unknown place with a bleeding head.
He wandered his eyes to where he is now. But the only things that he could see are leaves, bushes, and trees. The sounds of the birds chirping can be heard clearly. He looked up and saw a bright blue sky.
“What the heck. Where am I? He once again asked himself.
Changmin gathered himself around and stood up. He examined himself thoroughly looking for any casualties he had from the fall aside from his head. Fortunately he found none. But, he looks ridiculously wasted.
“Dang, if the others saw me like this they would probably be laughing their ass off.” said Changmin with the tone of self pity.
“I better find the others. Bet they are already worried for me.” , Changmin said.
He walked and walked but the only things that he could see are the ones he saw after he woke up.
“Are there only trees and trees and trees here?” he said irritatingly.
He has been walking for hours and he couldn’t seem to find people he can only find insects and …trees. He sat upon a rock under the orange tree leaves when tiredness came to his system.
“Damn, no food, no water. How can I possibly survive?”
Suddenly something caught his attention specifically his sense of smell.
“Hey, wait. Do I smell food?”
Changmin abruptly stood and followed the trail of the smell. Oh yes, when it comes to food Changmin can certainly smell it though he is a hundred feet away from it. And by that ability Jaejoong called him “ Maknae the Dog”.
And finally, he has found the source of the smell.
“Oh yeah!” he snorted. His stomach was now reacting to the smell. It’s now making sounds- sounds of hunger.
He found the root of it all under a big tree. He can see the smoke from the cooking finding its way outside the gap of its branches.
“Wow, the tree is cooking?” changmin puzzled.
He went closer to the tree to witness the “COOKING”. Just as he was about one foot from it he heard someone.
“What are you doing here?” with a small quite eerie voice. It was squeaky, the sound that can be compared to that of a small child. Changmin turned around and saw the source of that voice. He stepped back but he fell down when he stumbled upon a rock.
It was a small man. Its face like that of an old man- wrinkled. He has a beard as white as snow and is wearing red pants and a white tunic with colorful accessories hanging on his neck. His eyes are round which can be compared to a cat.
“Wha..what are you??? , he was so scared he can’t even pronounce the words with clarity.
“What are you doing here?” the creature inquired. You must not be here. You…you HUMAN!” the little creature shouted more like of a demand than a question. Its minute hand pointing at Changmin. Its eyes full of anger and fear.
“I don’t even know why the heck I’m here.” Changmin retaliated with fear.
“Augustus!” shouted by another little creature that came out from the tree. It was a she, Changmin presumed. It was wearing a green skirt and something that looks like an apron for the top. The she-creature is holding something that looks like a small spoon so small that it looks like a toothpick.
Changmin could no longer move from his spot. His body froze from all these shocking creatures that are talking and standing right in front of him.
“What are you doing?” the she creature asked the he-creature called Augustus.
“You are not supposed to talk to him” the she-creature demanded.
“But, Enya I didn’t mean talking to him. I saw this human trying to sneak at our home.”, Augustus reasoned.
“I don’t mean any harm. I happen to smell something good from your place. And, I couldn’t help but to follow it because I’m too hungry” Changmin said to the small creatures.
But, it was not enough to prove his good intentions. The creatures were not satisfied. Their faces were still flagged with suspicion and doubts.
“Why are you here?” asked Augustus.
“Well, I don’t really know why I am here. The only things that I could remember is that I was following this winged lion in the forest and then the ground started shaking and it split then I fell on the crack and the next thing I know is that I’m here.”. Changmin narrated.
It seems this reason was more valid enough than his first and the creatures are partially convinced. They whispered at each other. Changmin remained frozen at his position.
“So you were following the winged lion? I guess, you are an accidental passer”, said Augustus.
“Well sort of…I guess so” Changmin answered.
“Well, do you happen to know the way home?”, Changmin inquired.
“I know a way back from your world”, said Augustus
“Really!?” he quickly got up not even bothering the numbness of his body.
“Can you help go back to my world? Please take guide” Changmin uttered with plead.
“Well, I will help you go back. We don’t want you here either” said Augustus.
Sounds good but it somehow stung a pain on Changmin’s side. It makes him seem like an intruder- an unwanted and useless person on the creature’s world. Thus, he was a threat to the balance of their world.
“Ahmm..Mister Augustus. If you don’t mind can I ask for something first?” Changmin inquired with shyness.
“What is it human?” Augustus replied.
“Well, you see….”
A familiar sound was heard. Changmin scratched his head with his right hand and the left on his stomach.
“I see. Don’t worry young man. You can first eat before you travel with my husband” said Enya.
“Augustus, my dear, let us first let the young man eat. His body seems really needing it”.
Augustus just nodded his head in agreement and the couple creature guided Changmin to their little home- under the tree.
Changmin is a tall man and he had a hard time squeezing himself in entering the narrow pathways of their home. He could not go further under so they decided to bring the food outside.
“I’m so sorry for giving you burdens”, Changmin said shyly to Enya.
“It’s okay young man. It was not your fault that you came to this world.” she said assuring Changmin while serving him food.
Enya served the food on somewhat a coconut shell. Serving Changmin food on ‘their’ bowl wouldn’t be enough- imagine the size.
“I understand that it must have been hard for you”, she smiled.
Changmin took a spoonful of the food which the little ones cooked. He examined it first. It seems like porridge but with chunks of meat and vegetables. He no longer prolonged his agony and ate it. After some chewing and gnawing he said to Enya. “This is good! Really! Delicious!” He continued eating the food and finished the whole bowl of it in just a nick of time.
“Ahhh……that was really good”, Changmin relieved and more than satisfied.
“Thank you very much!” Changmin said happily to Enya.
“No problem young man and thank you for the praise” replied Enya.
“Come on! Human! Let us go and we have a long way to go” said Augustus.
“Yes sir!” Changmin replied
Changmin waved goodbye to Enya and he went off.
On their journey Changmin saw remarkable creatures that he wouldn’t even have imagined could exist. Fishes that could fly, snakes with two heads, frogs with 4 eyes and what the heck…….fairies.
What made him most fascinated is the river that changes its color, from blue to yellow to white.
He was so fascinated that he didn’t even took notice how far they have come.
“Ahmmm…excuse Mr. Augustus”, Changmin inquired while they were walking.
“What?” Augustus said
“What is the name of this world?”
Changmin’s face why curious. He wants to know everything about their world.
“Our world is named by our creator”, he replied
“Your creator?”
“Does this mean that this world was created by someone?”
He was shocked to know that they know who their creator was. Unlike he’s world- the earth, whose creator remained questionable.
“It’s not that we have seen him/her”
Changmin looked intensively at the little one.
“All we know is that this world was created by someone who is powerful”.
“This world, human, is called Pandora”
“Pandora…what a beautiful name”, he whispered to himself.
Finally, they have reached their goal. Changmin saw a cave. Outside it are trees with leaves of different colors- like a rainbow. Big boulders on its top and vines that hangs covering the entrance to the cave.
“There, human. That’s the way back to your world” pointing to the cave.
“Are you sure? I’m going to enter that creepy and dark cave?” Changmin uttered with fear and doubt.
“You do not have any choice. That’s the only way that you can pass”
Changmin has no other choice. And he was also lucky enough to meet this creature and help him being an intruder in this unknown world. He walked towards the cave but before entering he thanked the little creature.
“Thank you, Augustus for helping me”
“There’s nothing to be thankful for. I don’t want someone like you in this world and its better off your gone” replied Augustus not looking at Changmin.
“ last question” Changmin said.
“What are you creatures called?” he asked.
“We are called thumberlains” he replied.
“Thumberlains?”, he said
“Another one, do you happen to know what that winged animal is called?” inquired Changmin
“It’s a Felthera” Augustus answered.
The thumberlain turned its back and set off to go back to his home.
Changmin entered the cave without hesitation. He wanted to go back on his own world, the world which he originally belongs to.
He walked without visibility not sure whether if on the other side he can see light or none at all. After a few more steps it was total darkness. Changmin became nervous. He cannot see anything not even a small spark of light. He can only hear his uneven breathing and fast beating of his heart. But still, eagerness prevailed and triumph over fear. He continued walking and finally, he can see a light. It was growing as he walks towards it. He walked fast …..He ran as fast as he could. He reached the light and finally he was out of the cave. The light he saw was the light from the house they were staying at.
He examined his surroundings he was on the river bank. He turned around expecting to see the cave he went through but none he found instead he saw trees and bushes.
“What the heck?” he said to himself
He remembered his injured head and once again touched it. He could feel a bulk and blood has dried. He took a glance at his self and yes he looks wasted. He ran towards the house, straight to their room. He was hoping that people would be looking for him but there was none. All of the people inside the house are peacefully sleeping like nothing happened from what Changmin was expecting.
“Impossible, I must have been gone for almost a day. They must have been looking for me. What’s happening?” he asked himself.
There in the room, he saw Jaejoong sleeping. He was on the same position when he left him. He glances at the clock. It was five minutes past midnight.
He recalled that he went outside exactly at midnight.
“Dang, so does this mean that I was just gone for five minutes?” he wandered.
He was confused but there was a feeling which was very dominant at the moment. He was happy. He totally loved what had happened to him. An adventure which no else could ever imagine, he smiled.
He quickly changed his clothes. He did not want the others to take notice of his “wasted wardrobe” when they wake up. After changing he went back to his bed and the smile of happiness did not left his face.
“I’m such one lucky guy” he said to himself proudly.
He went to sleep and drifted on his stream of unconsciousness. Dreaming about the Thumberlains, Felthera and the unknown world he has been to- Pandora.
Changmin wants to go back. He wants to once again witness its admirable existence.
Morning….7:00 am
Everybody was awake and is eating breakfast on the riverbanks. But Changmin was still nowhere to be found
“That boy’s getting a bit lazy these past few days” said Yunho after biting a loaf of bread.
“He likes sleeping. You can’t really blame him we are on the countryside and the feeling of some relaxation” Micky said protecting Changmin.
Jaejoong is standing on the river side taking pictures of the view. When, Changmin suddenly tapped his shoulders causing him to be startled.
“What the?!” Jaejoong shouted.
“Oh Sorry Hyung, I didn’t mean it”, Changmin said with a sorry tone.
“You’re giving me heart attacks Changmin”, Jaejoong said his hand oh his chest.
“Oh sorry, I made you worried for the the second time”, Changmin said
“That’s okay Maknae, no matter how many heart attacks you gave me it’s okay as long as you can say sorry” Jaejoong said with a wink.
“Hahahaa… you think you can handle more?”
Changmin looked at him with a serious face.
“What do you mean by that?”, Jaejoong asked
Changmin replied a smile at him and Jaejoong became more puzzled.
That look on Changmin’s face made him nervous but he can smell something far more exciting.
To be continued….
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Travelling 2nd Chapter..XD
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 28, 2009
My very first ever FANFIC.
Yes! At last I did it. I have written my very first fan fiction featuring TVXQ!
I entitled it.."TRAVELLING"..:P
Here it is...
“Where the heck did that camera go?” uttered innocently by Jaejoong but his tone is somewhat scared and bothered. Their room was a mess, everything is scattered everywhere. He searched the whole room but no camera was found.
“Dang! I’ll be dead if someone finds it.” Jaejoong said.
“ What camera?” “What the!?” Jaejoong shouted with surprise.
“Easy man, it’s just me.” Micky said with a small smile on his face.
“You scared the hell out of me Micky.” Jaejoong said.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. By the way, what was that camera you are looking for? Micky asked.
“Nothing, well you see I have some important pictures in that camera. Before I went out this room this morning, I left the camera inside the drawer but when I came back I checked it and it was gone.” Jaejoong said.
“Maybe, you just misplaced it or something.” Micky said.
“You know me Micky, I’m not the type of person who looses his things easily.” Jaejoong said with pride.
“Hey guys! Manager’s looking for you. We are about to start the photoshoot.” Yunho said standing by the door.
“Okay, we’ll be there” Jaejoong said.
Yunho wandered his eyes on the entire room. “Man, this room’s a disaster. What the heck happened? Were you attacked by aliens?” Yunho said jokingly but with disgust.
“Alien my butt.”. “I’m looking for my camera.” Jaejoong said with irritation written all over his face.
“ Memory Gap?” Yunho said.
“Not a good joke Yunho.” Jaejoong said.
Suddenly, Junsu appeared. “Hey guys! Manager’s getting angry.” “What the heck?! Were you stormed?!” Junsu said with shock. Looking at all the things scattered on the floor.
“Well, son, your mother lost her precious camera.” Yunho said with teasing tone.
“ Oh the camera?..” Junsu said
“Enough with the camera, let’s just go and start the photoshoot. Camera can wait.” Jaejoong said while walking towards the door.
On the photoshoot.
“Hey, where’s Changmin?” Jaejoong asked.
“I thought you guys were together.” One of the staff said.
“No, Changmin left earlier than me.”Jaejoong said,
Suddenly, Changmin appeared .
“Sorry guys, I’m late. I was outside doing something good that I didn’t notice the time.” Changmin said.
“Something Good?” uttered by Junsu with a weird look.
“Hey! My camera!” Jaejoong snatched the camera off Changmin’s hands. His face like a child who found his MOST PRECIOUS TOY.
“Oh, sorry I took your camera without first taking your permission. It’s just that I couldn’t help using it immediately.” Changmin said to Jaejoong with a sorry look and tone.
“Immediately?” questioned Micky.
“I saw a peculiar animal this morning while I was looking outside from the window. I wanted to take a picture of it before it runs so I took Hyung’s camera quickly and ran outside.” Answered Changmin
“Im sorry hyung, I took the camera without first asking you….”
“Apology accepted” assured Jaejoong.
“Come on guys let’s start the photoshoot.” Said Yunho while clapping his hands.
After the photo shoot, everyone took the chance to take a rest on the river banks. Their photo shoot location is on the countryside far from the busy and noisy ambiance of the city. Chairs and tables are set, foods and drink are served and Changmin’s eyes are wandering.
Junsu noticed Changmin’s eyes and took the chance to once again make fun of him.
“Having a hard time to pick?” asked Junsu with teasing tone.
“Ahahah, not really the food …” Changmin answered
Yunho tapped Changmin’s shoulders.
“Don’t be shy man, we know. You’re eyes dilate in front of foods” Yunho teasingly said.
Micky noticed that difference of Changmin’s reaction..It wasn’t that same reaction before when they tease him.
“Something’s bothering him.” Micky thought
“Chome ohn guys! Food’s getting chold” Jaejoong shouted with food filling in his mouth holding a plate with a variety of food on it.
“Yes! Come on guys. You know I don’t want food waiting for me.” Changmin excitedly uttered pushing Junsu towards the table. The other two followed.
While eating, Micky was conspicuously examining Changmin’s every move. He smells something wrong.
“Something must have happened when he went outside.” Micky’s thoughts were continuously making speculations.
Micky has been the group’s most sensitive member. He knows the members very well. He can easily know if they have problems and such. No matter how much the other cover their feelings he can tell.
After the mouth watering meal they had the staff and members went back inside the house to continue the photo shoot. Just as Changmin was about to stand on his seat, Micky confronted him.
“Can we talk for a moment?” asked Micky with a worried look on his face.
“ Sure, well what is it about anyway?” inquired Changmin puzzled about what could be Micky’s question.
“ Could we go somewhere private?” uttered Micky while looking around them.
“ What?......okay..sure.” he pronounced the words with hesitation and confusion.
They went at the back of the house far from the sight of the others, far enough not to hear what they are about to discussed.
“What’s wrong” questioned Micky holding Changmin’s shoulders.
“What are you talking about?” said Changmin with a puzzled look.
“You can lie to the others but not to me Changmin.” Micky said.
“What happened when you went outside this morning?”
Changmin’s face now became nervous. Fear and rejection is written all over his face. Cold sweats are starting to flow down his face and his hands are shaking and his breathing uneven.
“Hyung, you would not believe what I’m about to tell you.” Changmin said.
“If I tell you what happened you would think I’m a psycho or something like that. You would definitely laugh at me” reasoned Changmin.
“No I won’t Changmin. I won’t laugh.Just…just tell me what the heck happened okay? You’re driving me nuts with so much speculation.” Micky uttered with irritation and tone of assurance.
“Okay, here it goes.” Changmin started
“This morning, I was looking outside the window when I saw this kind of animal. But not your usual animal on the zoo or even animals they show on National Geographic Channel. It’s body of a lion and has wings!” Changmin said with excitement and amazement.
“ I took the camera wanting to take a picture of it and show it to you guys. But, when I went outside it was gone.”
Micky’s eyes got big from surprise and was about to laugh but took hold of it by biting his lips.
“Lion with wings?” said Micky with suspicion.
“Are you watching too much cartoons again?” Micky asked with disappointment.
“See, that’s what I’m talking about. You won’t believe.” Changmin retaliated.
“It’s true hyung. I SAW A LION WITH WINGS!” Changmin said
“Changmin, you know we love you right?” Micky said.
“Hyung, I’m telling the truth.” Changmin said with a begging tone.
“Okay, if you’re insisting that you saw that kind of animal then fine. I will not tell the other members about this. Let’s just shrug this off as hallucination. “ Micky said.
“Hallucination? No, Hyung, I’m not having hallucinations!” Changmin answered.
“Changmin, look, no one would believe you if you tell them something like that. They’ll think that you’re some kind of a psycho.” Micky told him logically.
“I’m not a skeptic person Changmin. I won’t judge you like that easily.” Micky assured him.
Changmin knew that and was relieved that at least someone like him would not judge him easily for that.
“Thanks Hyung, but….I really saw one.” Changmin said
“Hmmmm…..let’s go back inside. The others might be looking for us by now.” Micky said while guiding Changmin towards the house.
“I really saw one…I’m not hallucinating” Changmin continuously shouting in his mind.
That night……
Jaejoong as usual is quickly dozed off and was already on the stream of his unconscious mind. But Changmin, wasn’t. He was still thinking about the animal that he saw. He can still remember its fearsome eyes and majestic figure. The eagerness to see it once again just continues to overflow inside him. The more he wants to shrug it off as hallucination, like what Micky told him the more he wants to think its existence.
Not being able to sleep, he went outside to feel the night breeze hoping this could help relax his uneasy feeling and pacify his mind. He went to the porch, sat on the comfy chair and took time to stare with the beautiful moon.
He noticed the magnificent reflection of the crescent moon on the river’s surface.
“Beautiful….beautiful indeed.” He whispered.
But his rapport with the moon got cut off when he saw a familiar figure on the woods.
“What the?” changmin said with shock.
A beautiful winged lion appeared on the woods. Its wings shine and out glows the moons light. It was looking at Changmin. A look which is trying to provoke him to come and follow it as it enters the woods. Changmin stood and went to follow it. Luckily, the moonlight guided him on his way enabling him to see though with limited visibility. His focused was only on the magnificent animal.
“Hey, wait, where are you trying to take me?” Changmin inquired to the animal.
It did not answered him
“Good, as if it’s going to answer me.” Changmin stupidly said to himself.
It just continued walking and Changmin just followed not even noticing how far they have come. He’s just too fascinated with the creature more like he was blinded by its magnificence. He don’t even took notice to stop and take a rest.
Then after minutes of walking it has finally stopped and so is Changmin.
“Oh finally” changmin relieved
They stopped somewhere in the middle of the forest. There he saw a tree towering all the trees that surrounds it. Its trunk has some kind of crack but not something that man made it was naturally there. The winged lion look once again at Changmin with fierce.
Changmin wasn’t even a little bit nervous about it. He, too stared at the eyes of the lion.
“What are you trying to tell me?” Changmin asked the lion.
It did not answer. Instead the lion went towards Changmin.
Changmin didn’t even move an inch. Fear? No. He wasn’t at all.
They were now face to face.
“Wow, you’re so huge.” Changmin said with admiration.
He raised his right hand and touches the animals face admiring its beautiful existence. Then suddenly, the ground shakes and cracks are forming. The ground is splitting. Changmin is getting scared but the lion just stood there unbeatable. The ground that Changmin was standing upon split and Changmin fell. As he was falling the lion just took a stare at him.
“No!!!! Helpp!!!!” Changmin shouted
But no one else could hear him. No one else was there- just the lion and the endless pit.
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
6 years and going strong.....
Yup... since it will be TVXQ's anniversary this coming 26, I decided to make a simple banner.
Here it is..
I used Break Out's single cover and I made this with Adobe Photoshop...I think it's really nice for me to have this kind of output for a first
Feel free to use it. ^^
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Another day in my life.....
Well, It just so happen that I feel like posting something again. Whoah I'm feeling typing
It's just that I wanted to spazz about a TVXQ song that I have been listening since yesterday. Entitled "The Story Has Just Begun" from their "O Jung Ban Hap" Album.
~ Here's the video...
I really love the melody of the song. It gives a soothing feeling. A type of a song that I could listen to while travelling, sitting comfortably watching the scenery- something like that. TVXQ have once again made my day shine! Their harmonization like a wave sways me brings me in a world of endless sweetness.....and it's a feeling that only TVXQ can give me.And this is one of the reasons why I became their fan.;)And being their fan is also my biggest mistake...why? Because being a fangirl requires you to be bankrupt...lolXD. You know, buying DVD, ALBUMS and such....dang!
I only have one album of TVXQ....yah..I already posted it here.:)But still I'm really wanting to have the Best Hits Album set to be released on february....I WANT IT BADLY that I even bought a coin bank with a description "PAMBILI NG BEST HITS ALBUM NG TVXQ" lol....and I'm really determined to have it....hahah!
I think I have to cut this short hands are shaking....ahahah wonder why?
God Guide me, me family, love ones, friends and TVXQ
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
On my Christmas Break..^^
Yes! I think it's been ages since I posted something here. Blame my uber busy schedule: studying+working+ fangirling= busyhead. But, since it's my Christmas Break I have now ample time to spend in updating about what had happened on my these past few weeks.
Well, the First Philippine Kpop Convention that I attended with Jet Dongsaeng last December 5 ROCKS!
It was so fun and really unforgettable.XD I met my fellow Cassies and kpop lovers there...My Unnie Kay'anne and Dongsaeng Glyn....XD They were there also...BONDING TO THE HIGHEST LEVEL. Though I want to upload every picture here...uploading in this blogger sucks.
Though I wasn't able to win anything from the contests and the raffles at least I was able to take a picture of Junsu, Kangin and Taemin. Well, not really the "REAL"ones but just their standees...XD
Then I got to buy my very first DBSK poster which is "O" and I bought three TVXQ pins. Two for me and One for my Bro.;) I got my AKTF shirt, chain and pin..^^
~ I won't upload the pics because uploading here sucks.So just check my FB account to see the pictures.
Great hosting by Ms. Kring and Roxanne Barcelo. Ate Kring was really KALOG hahaha...she kept on spazzing about how much she loves Bigbang and how 'desperate' she is to marry TOP.:P
CDs, DVDs, and Photobooks
~ If I were a billionaire I would have bought everything. From the smallest pin from the biggest Photobook on the convention. I'll purchase all of it FOR MYSELF.>_< I mean all even the STANDEES!XD
Dang, I'm really a lazy girl when it comes to narrating stories.XD Mianhe>_<
I think I would have to cut this short.
So all in all the CONVENTION WAS A SUCCESS!XD I want to have another one.:P
Well, I'm not the one who BOUGHT it(the money is mine of courseXD). Thank you Jasmin for buying the album! I wasn't able to buy it personally so I took a favor out of Jasmin to buy it for me. Thanks Jas
The happiest part is that it comes with a FREE POSTER! A BIG ONE! aheheheh!
THANK YOU UNIVERSAL RECORDS! Please release more kpop albums especially TVXQ!XD
I have to end this now.....I'm being beaten by laziness.HahaXD
God Guide me, my family, friends, love ones and TVXQ
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 1:10 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Bad week....
First and most of all, I would like to thank God, my parents and friends for taking care of and giving me support during the period of my sickness(I was food poisoned).
Here it goes. Last friday my feeling was so fine like some other normal day.At night, I even watched TVXQ Mirotic Concert in Seoul with Melissa and her boyfriend Edward.Being sick was out of the scenario. Then around 4:00am, Saturday, I felt irritated. There was an ache on my head and it felt so heavy. I thought to myself, "OMO, I think I have a fever". I went down the sala and looked for a thermometer. I wanted to check my temperature hoping that it might not be a fever but instead due to my late-night-watching-concert-just-for-the-sake-of-seeing-jaejoong-and-tvxq. I think I went to sleep around 12:30am. :p So back to the flow. After I found the thermometer I went back to my bed and with the thermometer on my armpit. After 5 minutes, I checked the mercury level and dang, it wasn't moving at all. Okay, the thermometer was a's broke. I just shrug off the headache to be lack-of-sleep so I went on to some. Then, I woke up around 6:00am and the headache and the feverish feeling was still there. I felt my forehead and it was a bang man! I have a FEVER! I went down and there my father and mother was sitting comfortably on the chairs. I went straight to my mom and ask her to feel my forehead. She said I had a fever(yeah..I was right!). She told my brother to buy me some medicine and I went to lay on the couch. It was such a heavy feeling like I was being reaped apart into pieces inside my body especially on my stomach!
I took in medicine and slept. After a few hours I woke up and found myself sweating heavily which is really good, a sign that the medicine actually worked. But still, I'm weak and remained on the couch. My mother told me to drink the beverage that she bought-Gatorade. Somehow, when I'm sick I feel a little bit happy. Happy, because of the fact that I was being taken care of.(Oh...I'm such little devil):D
I was like that till evening and after I fell asleep. Sunday morning, I woke up and I was feeling OKAY. I even thought of coming to work full-time. So, I went to the shop did the usual things: cleaning and arranging. Then after doing so, I felt little bit dizzy but I didn't mind. Thinking of it as a result of being so industrious!(Man....I'm so proud of this word)JOKE. Then, when I finally opened there we just few customers; mostly children. Around noon, I was not feeling so good anymore, the dizziness which I assumed from me being so aheemmmm...industrious got worse.So, after I ate my lunch I told Ate Merit that I won't be able to work full time because I'm feeling not so well. She gladly agreed and even told me that it must be hard for me to work after experiencing a fever. So I went home...I tried to fall asleep but I just couldn't duw to the extreme pain I am experiencing in my stomach. The it went on like that until midnight. Worse I was dehydrated because continuous "waste excretion"(uknow what I mean.)Luckily, I was able to vomit the Palabok I ate that remained undigested for almost 4 days! Lucky me! The on the next day, I wen to the doctor for check ups because my vomiting hasn't stopped. Result of the examination: Food Poisoning. Ouch! So that's what I get for eating palabok. On the brighter side I got to know my blood type. I'm proud to be a B+. Yipee!
******* Now while I'm typing this...I have fully recovered from the sickness. ^__^
TVXQ Spazzing.
Yes! December 5 is fast approaching and I just can't wait for it! Dang! I even pre ordered that ticket already and also the CassPh goods....a shirt, a chain and a pin. The designs were so cool. AWESOME!
With regards to TVXQ's condition............*remains silent*
I don't want to think about it! Just ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH!
God Guide me, my family, friends love ones and TVXQ.
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Yeah right...I have been really lazy posting something here though I'm on a semestral break. i cannot call actually call it as a semestral break because literally I'm not on break. I have to work hard double time for the Kpop Convention on December 5 and the three albums that UR will release so that's why I had to cover the whole day of work in my part time job.
Tomorrow, I'll come to school to get my grades...yeah right. I just hope that I will be given a scholarship- I really need it. These past few days, I haven't been feeling really well because of the back to back news about TVXQ's case that was so damn confusing and crazy. Different news were popping out of nowhere that stirs up the situation more. I would be lying if I were to say I wasn't a little bit affected by the false news though I try not to. I was crying on my bed while listening to their song. I was so sad about it.
My fellow Cassies were also so sad and confused but, at this kind of time we must strongly KEEP OUR FAITH for the boys. Korean Cassies already released their first single entitle Love Melody; a song for TVXQ.
Such a sweet song....this made me cry. I miss TVXQ so much.....
God Guide me, my family, relative, friends and TVXQ.
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Yeah...I'm back^__^
I know, it's been really tiring these past few weeks and posting something here on my blog is quite hard. Though, I'm in front of the computer almost everyday, getting in the mood for updating my blog is over thrown by research and fangirling O_o.
Luckily, one more week to go till' the end of my first semester which signals....BREAK! More time for fangirling and blogging!
Speaking of fangirling, I'am proud to announce that I have become an official member of Cassiopeia Philippines!*jumps up and down*And also, Universal Records has officially announced the release of TVXQ's Mirotic Concert Live Album(2cds)this October with a free POSTER!!!
Yipeee....It'll be my first album from them and I'm SUPER EXCITED!I'm also thinking of buying the SuJu album but, I think I will have to set it aside because my pocket might cry...O_o yeah right, TVXQ first before anything else.
I finally got my 4g USB that I won from the raffle contest that was done on the last college days. It was cool. I was able to save a lot ot TVXQ's shows in it. Totally...AWESOME!
Gotta cut short my post, I think my mood for posting is declining very fast...
God Guide me, my family, love ones, friends and TVXQ!
Kpop Convention is just around the corner!:D
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
* It's here!
Yes! After waiting for ages...TVXQ's album will be finally available here, in the PHILIPPINES! Yes! OMG! I felt like faiting when I heard about it....My THANKS to Universal Records for bringing KPOP albums here....I LOVE YOU GUYS!
They are going to release Mirotic Concert Live Album which has two cds..GAH! 2cds!*screaming* a long hour of TVXQ music! EUkyakyakya!!
Gotta save money for it. I just hope that the packaging would be OKAY! AS in okay!
Geee....I hope they will be giving free stuffs(posters...^_^).
God Guide me, my family, friends and TVXQ
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Killer Smiles...^__^
Dang, I have just seen the offshot movie of JaeChun for Colors~Melody and Harmony, my goodness the smiles, the SMILES....killed me!
Specially this smile!
I can't help but scream with love while watching it...Why do you have to be so handsome...enough to kill me with just one smile ha? Jaejoong?! And, Micky, why do someone like you have to be so damn CUTE and SMEXY! WHY!
A beautiful song + beautiful boys+ awesome voices and oozing sex appeal= this video!
God guide me, my family, love ones, friends and all the people in this world.^__^
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 1:47 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
This world is often...unpredictable. Better cherish it before it is too late.^__^
September 26, 2009, Saturday, the Philippines had experienced the unexpected. Typhoon Ondoy, have brought havoc and destroyed many homes that left thousands of people with no abode and killed hundreds. Houses were literally, washed away and land areas have become " WATER WORLD". The day that my college days were wasted enough to be called senseless.
For over forty years, we have experienced another destructive typhoon. I, myself, have experienced its power. I was in my school at that time for the last day of the College Week. I was waiting for the results of the competitions especially of the essay contest which I participated with. Unfortunately, I didn't won the stupid essay contest instead I won the third prize for the raffle ticket, a 4G USB.:D I am even more satisfied and happy with me winning the raffle draw instead of the senseless essay contest which was in fact biased. How can they conduct an essay contest like that? So useless.
I don't want to further elaborate what has happened, I might burst with anger again resulting to the destruction of this keyboard I'm using. :D
It was raining since morning that day, I was practically wet all over. I look like a child abandoned one rainy day. I was the first one in school for the education department(someone better give me a trophy for this. ^__^). I was early because they told me to be there at 7:00am because I were to host a certain program that I didn't even know what it was.I better shot the ones who are responsible for that program because I was waiting for the confirmation ,but the day has ended and I waited for NOTHING!There's no ME hosting....everything is practically so nervewrecking! It was so frustrating because everything that day was so senseless, uncoordinated, biased and WET. It is actually my first time to experienced a college day like wasn't even worthy to be called such. I better call it " wasted college days" ...duh, it is a better fit(I think).
On the other side, it was also a good experience. I was able to bond with my classmates and I think I have made new friends (I suppose they are...:D). The overall activities were very jolly...thus very FUN. They were practically enjoying it...I suppose I'm enjoying it too..a little bit, I think. But, I can clearly remember that my heart pounded when I won the 4G USB.
At the end of the day, it was still raining and the overall winner for the college days was the Education Department...ahem. I'm a little proud being part of it. It was still raining, the streets were practically flood. I slept at Jet dongsaeng's house that night...I just feel so being with her that day. Maybe because of the fact that I was so exaperated and she was the first one that popped out of my mind that could ease that feeling...
It was so fun that night, we did some music tripping..kya! Korean songs and videos all over that night, so FUN!Aigoo!
We went to bed around 10:00pm and woke up at 7:00am. We had bread with chocolate as fillings for breakfast. Then, I went to work around 9:00am. News were spreading everywhere about the aftermath of Typhoon Ondoy. I heard about houses destroyed, many people were dead and chest deep floods. I was really thankful that I didn't have to face those things. Listening to the stories give me goosebumps. Many of the relative and friends were texting me about our condition and replying them "OK" was really a relief.
Seeing pictures and videos of Ondoy's aftermath, I thought about how lucky I am that and my family to be living in a high place. Goodness, I really pity those who were greatly affected. On the other hand, I think this is a lesson to us. Mother Nature intends to teach us and open our eyes about how she is slowly depleting and how reckless we are in using the natural resources. Humanity have become irresponsible. Tons of garbages were literally, swimming in the floods, landslides were everywhere; a result of humankind's recklessness. We are taking the environment for granted, not caring for its plight just to satisfy our expanding human needs.
It's never too late, we must start conserving her for the sake of the human race and for the future generation (I remembered my essay contest). Once again, it's not yet too late.
My gosh, this coming October is really full of FANDOM! Universal records would be releasing TVXQ's albums here! Dang! It'll be really awesome and so damn cool. Then at the end of this month, kpop convention is set to be produced, tentatively October 31. There's also an ongoing online petition about the korean embassy bringing the boys here...damn HERE!!! I can't wait!!!!! I hope this petition would be a success! I want the boys to set their feet here once again...and I'll be there when that happens!I wanna see them their FLESH!Buwahahaha^__^
Okay, before I become hysterical here..JaeChun's song shelter, composed by Jaejoong and Junsu has been released.:D
Micky's rap here is so damn sexy! My Jaejoong, I once again heard rapping sexy baby! Hahahah:D The song itself is mysterious, I had the feeling of nostalgia when I listend to it. Mysterious... very much like Jaejoong.:D
JaeChun's collaboration is fantastic.. they haven't failed to amaze me, well, DBSK never did.:D
Grrr....can't wait for the local release of their album and the kpop convention...kya!!!!!!! I'm so loving it!
Let us all pray for all the people who have suffered from typhoon Ondoy's wrath.
God Guide me, my family, love ones, friends and TVXQ.
The world is giving us a wake-up call. Ondoy is a sign that we have been neglecting Mother Nature's plight. Irresponsibility has been dominant and we have been overruled. Let us open our eyes and accept reality. There is still time to rectify this situation and possible heal itself provided that we must all do our part in saving and conserving the environment; not just for the benefit of the present generation but, for the future generations as well.^__^
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Its been so long....really. :-(
Gah, its really been quite a long time since I heard TVXQ sing as ONE. Though, JaeChun is having their single out at the end of this month, it's still not enough.
Speaking of their single, the full audio track for the song "Been so long" is out.
Jaechun's collaboration never fails to amaze me. Their voices blends with one another, and whatever song they sing comes out beautifully. Once again, I heard Jaejoong rapping...^__^ Why is it that you have a great voice my LOVE?
There has been many expenses these past few days, college days fees, foods etc. I wasn't able to save big time. Hhahaha...but that's okay, I 'm still able to save a few. I'm currently concentrating on my examination reviews and preparing for the essay contest. Sometimes, I think, I'll be going nuts with all of these. But, then since this is what I want,I have to bear with it. ^__^ I just hope I will succeed all of these, provided, I will do my BEST (Of course!).
I have been thinking lately, that I wasn't able to read much since I stopped from going to school for a year. Really, It wasn't easy for me to adjust again in a student life. Thus, I have vowed to myself that I will start reading again for my benefit and to expand my vocabulary and knowledge.
God guide me, my family, love ones, friends and TVXQ.
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Is there an ending???....Yes there is...^__^
This question popped out in my mind after I remembered that today is the deadly(Does this word fit???), terrifying revelation with regards to the result of TVXQ's lawsuit. Yeah, I know the fact that everything has its end and I'm ready to accept that. Although it is quite hard but it's reality.
Besides this TVXQ lawsuit result today, I am also quite problematic on my examinations and essay contest. I am having problems with regards to time management. I'm thinking, that I might look like 10 years older at the end of this month.
Yeah, RIGHT!
I just hope that all of these will end quickly and will have satisfying results.
The other day, HHTG pilot episode was aired. I was lucky enough to watch it yesterday in HD though there is no english subs.I can say that Yunho's acting is really impressive for a first timer, though I find it a little bit awkward (don't kill me for this). I hope for the success of this drama. YUNHOsshii...FIGHTING!
I found an HD version of Colors~ Melody and Harmony...Dang, I'm addicted to this song, I have been playing it for about 50 times a day.
God Guide me, my family, love ones, friends and TVXQ
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
In the world of Colors~Melody and Harmony!
After so many days of being nostalgic;I'm proud to say that I have been saved from the pits of despair. I am now in a better plight and have been cured (I think so...>_<)from Divine Illness. It's totally refreshing feeling to be out of depression. My mind is now in it's best and my physical being is in a good shape.
Yesterday, me and my cousin went to SM to bond. But, actually, we were supposed to buy Sweet and Sour Pork in Golden Crown, but went to SM first. We ate in the food and court and played that "GET THAT STUFF TOY" thing, I was so dang lucky and I got to have 2 stuff toys,MARVELOUS!I named mine Yunho and Melissa named her stuff toy Cheska.We also bought ourselves a Dictionary and Thesaurus. After that "little bonding" we had went to buy what we were supposed to buy.
Today is so dang...WONDERFUL! I have found the ORIGINAL PV and SONG of Colors~Melody and Harmony...!
My boys...coloring that small city..SO CUTE!!Jaejoong and Micky's smiles just KILLED ME!
God Guide me, my family, love ones, friends and TVXQ
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 2:40 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
*** In the world of "NOSTALGIA".... :-(
Yes, exactly, I have come to realized that I am now in the world of NOSTALGIA. It's confirmed, that this feeling is not just because of TVXQ but also of GOD. I have been experiencing, unconsciously, DIVINE ILLNESS.
How did I come to realize this? When we had the lesson about the history of the bible. My teacher gave a quiz and the last part, is you have to write a quote from the bible, a verse.I got really disappointed with the result, it was so depressing. The saddest thing is that, although I am a Catholic, I admit that I rarely read the bible and even, go to church. I can't even remember when was the last time I did do these two. Gosh, I'm such a shame...
One thing, that I, for a long time believed is that,it doesn't really matter if you go to church every now and then, just to pray; I believe that a prayer, when uttered, doesn't really matter where you are as long as it is from the bottom of your heart. Because, most of the people who go to church, doesn't really go there in God's praise. Yah, others are just there so that it can be said that they are acually going to church and some just consider it as an escape and meet their BFs/GFs. In addition, some are really ACTIVE when it comes to church activities but, when out of the church's sight, their REAL self are really so DISAPPOINTING, a CONTRAST, to be exact....PLASTICS(I know many people who are like this.)
Funny to think, but it's actually TRUE. Now, I have vowed to myself that, praying is not enough to be close to God but, I must eat and digest his holy words (the bible). I must make sure that once a day, I must see and read his words. I hope God, helps me in this stage.
Of course, my day wouldn't be complete without TVXQ spazzing.
Well, because of their suspension, less news about them.Thanks God that they still have their activities in Japan. A new song, featured in a CF (Menard). LOVELY!
Gosh...I miss them so much..
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Semi- Hiatus...... :-(
Gosh, I have been very busy with my homeworks, reports and quizzes these past few days and I have not been able to post updates here.
Right now, I'm feeling a little bit sad....nostalgic to be exact. Why? It's because of the news about TVXQ's activities being suspended for TWO MONTHS,except for Yunho in the promotion of his drama Heading to the Ground. Speaking of HTTG, the teaser is already out. Here it is...
I can't help but feel sad....I'm already missing them so much and it hurts.With this, there will be less updates about them lucky enough that they still have their activities in Japan.I'm greatly anticipating the release of Colors~ Melody and Harmony. The preview of the second title track has been released and all I can say is BEAUTIFUL. JaeChun's voices are a great BLEND.
I just hope that all of this lawsuits and suspensions will end quickly and all things be back to normal. I want to hear TVXQ sa ONE again.
For the meantime..I'm going Semi-Hiatus.
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Tagaytay Trip!
Toinks, Yesterday we had a small family reunion at Tagaytay. It was so fun, I honestly enjoyed it, but not to the fullest because we weren't complete. Father didn't came with us because he was mad at tita for not coming on time and making us wait for about 2 hours. He wasn't happy about it, well, who would?
It was really fun, travelling hours are my favorite, though my butt hurt. We rode the bikes for about 1 hour, ATE many kinds of food and took pictures. We venture the place the picnic grove and I even tried riding the ZipLine. It was so fun. I hope we can, again, have this kind of trip, COMPLETE.
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I'm so proud! Curses to all the backfighters!
Just this morning I found an article about TVXQ. This is it...
The voice of Xiah Junsu is Asia’s treasure
-Matsuo Kiyoshi-
What people say about DBSK is that…
they are one of the few hoobaes who are polite and has good thoughts
-Comedian Jung Sun Hee-
DBSK is the singer with the best manners
-Show Music Tank PD-
(During an interview about Big Bang)
Oh! There is one singer that I admired as I watched them sing.
DBSK is really amazing,
They were singing a live performance and by watching them without a bias, they sing very well,
If they were ugly, they would be called men version of Big Mama.
Korean people have a preconception about DBSK and that is wrong.
-YG Entertainment Yang Hyun Suk-
We are a different genre so I don’t think we are rivals.
DBSK is a sunbae that we acknowledge.
Everyone sings well and I think they put in a lot of thoughts into their choreography and performances.
They continue to show self-improvement and are setting a good example as sunbae.
-Singer G-Dragon-
I saw Xiah Junsu sing Resignation and it was the best.
A lot of singers sang my song but out of them all, it stood out the most and was sung very well.
-Big Mama-
-I sang a Goose’s Dream with Yongwong Jaejoong and he sang it the best.
He is an idol singer, so I thought he could not sing well because he is just good looking and dances well but he sings better than me.
I think I would have really liked it if i was a DBSK member.
They are an unbelievably amazing group.
-Kim Gun Mo-
-When they are singing their songs, and in their divided parts, they know exactly how to sing their part in order to complete the song. They are perfectly divided well.
-Music Critic Jung Byung Gi-
Unless you are a fan who buys an album and listens to the whole thing, you do not realize how Yongwoong Jaejoong can sing octaves without effort, how much density Xiah Junsu has in his voice, and how great of a song ‘One’ is.
-Triple Crown Kang Myung Suk-
Their appearances are needed to capture attention.
That is the only way the dying music industry might be vitalized.
In that sense, there must be a lot of teams like DBSK in the industry. I’m not talking about just idol singers.
Groups like DBSK who can powerfully capture the mass audience’s attention is needed to revitalize the music industry.
-Tony An-
-Looking at hoobae singers these days, there are a lot of good looking hoobaes.
Out of all of them, I think DBSK is the best.
They seem to be fully prepared on stage.
-Singer Kim Dong Wan-
When looking at DBSK, I get the feeling that they are skilled.
Compared to before, they are so much better skill-wise.
Despite their skills, people have preconceptions, which is a problem,
and on stage their charisma is excellent.
They have other charms as well so there is a lot to be enviable about.
-Singer Evan-
DBSK is too good to remain as idol singers.
They can go further, as musicians to do well.
SM doesn’t just have idol singers.
Of the existing idols, they are the most skilled group.
As for Xiah Junsu and Youngwoong Jaejoong,
they can be called the best singers in the music industry without comparison.
DBSK is really a great group.
-Composer KENZI-
Choikang Changmin’s voice is very average.
But at times, the average excels many singers’ voices.
-Papa Nia-
He takes care of everything about me before going on stage.
I think he is great and has a pure soul.
-Singer Jang Ri In-
-We feel envious and proud that DBSK succeeded in Japan.
-Singer Super Junior-
DBSK was candidates with us.
At first, we thought “what do we do~” “we are nothing~” when we were against DBSK
But when we saw DBSK cheering for us too, we felt the love at once between us singers.
Really, we felt very very thankful.
-Singer Tablo (Epik High)-
-It can’t be said that DBSK is the best vocalist in Korea.
However, it is undeniable that it is hard to see a group able to make a beautiful harmony with just five members’ voice.
This shows the possibility of a vocal group, not just celebrity like idol group.
This is the idol group after evolution in the 21st century. 21c Artist-
I was impressed with DBSK when I saw them performing at the Great Hall of the People in China on July 2004.
It was a shock to see Chinese fans sending such passionate cheers. I feel pride that I am promoting Korean mass culture in foreign countries. I want to invite DBSK as models for fashion shows abroad. They have clear souls and pure qualities.
-Desinger Andre Kim-
Out of the singers that have sang my song, they have succeeded the most.
And they are also the first singers who fit my song so well.
-Composer Park Chang Hyun (DBSK 1st Single ‘Hug’ Composer)-
I like DBSK.
It is bit of an inconvenience that their chances to sing live are limited because of their strong choreography, but when I see their performance, I am drawn in.
-Singer Baek Ji Young-
-They are good young men.
In such positions, they greet well and are social.
They are always smiling and never shows fatigue.
Honestly, they are not very fluent in Japanese.
Even if they understand well, their speaking is not perfect.
Despite that, they really tried hard to do their interview in Japanese.
For words they didn’t know, the asked their managers before hand and took note of it.
They tried their best to speak well and I could feel their efforts.
They really try their best.
-DJ 古家正亨- (this is the Japanese character of his name. His last name is Masayuki (?) but I can’t really type his first name. >< Maybe someone who knows Japanese better can do his name?)
Even in the hard market right now, their influence in the music industry should be recognized. The music industry is going through hardships and in this situation, there was almost no singers who sold a lot of albums. But DBSK is unchallenged and has the powers to sell their albums. They do have a lot of teenage fans but recently, I think their fanbase has broadened to 20-30s. As the teenage fans get older, the average age of their fan base will broaden. Idol groups definitely go through evolution. They have both singing and dancing skills so they need to be recognized. -Singer Na Sung Ho (Noel)-
It is a good feeling that the younger generation singers are singing my songs. If DBSK remakes my song, it will have a different color. Even though the color will be different, I think they will be able to make a better song.
-Singer Jo Kwan Woo-
DBSK is just before perfection. They are the hottest trend going through various rumors and is a popular culture icon. When they become this era’s new classic, we want to meet them again, more fashionable and fabulous. It won’t be too late to complete the ‘work’ then.
-In December issue of VOGUE-
I listen to music. I like rock ballad and hip hop. As for singers, DBSK is the best.
-Volleyball athlete Kim Yeon Kyung-
The reason why there is so much interest in DBSK is because unlike most of the kid groups, their singing abilities are excellent. All five members sing and unexpectedly, presents a good harmony. It breaks the bias that boy bands cannot sing. This is what separates other idol groups and DBSK.
-Music critic Im Jin Mo-
Just at first glance, I could feel the strong charisma that made me realize why they become the millennium star. The composition of the five members, like the process of moving one picture, cannot be complete without the 5 members. I was surprised that the 5 stars, placed as one pleases, created such harmony. Truthfully, taking a group photograph is exponentially hard as the number of people. So during group photography, positions change and styles are frequently switched. But in DBSK’s case, an impressive style was expressed just by them randomly standing and sitting there.
-Photographer Jo Se Hyun-
You should judge them by how much they love music and stop focusing on “lip synching idol stars winning awards.” And this year was the year that DBSK had to win. Why keep denying it and how many albums did they sell… 300,000? Even when the music industry is reduced, they sold 300,000. That is praiseworthy. Do you know anybody who we call artists that sell over 50,000? And does the broadcasting stations buy those albums for the artists? Did the broadcasting station buy 300,000 copies of DBSK’s album? Then, did you buy the albums of artists that you cheer for? Starting from there, saying “how does idol stars who lip sync win an award” is useless. Do you think that these days, just like those old days, the idols run away by lip sync because they can’t sing? Just open the microphone and tell them to sing. They do well, very~ -Shin Hae Chul-
Before you curse on the young singers who dance and roll around, think about how many hours they invest into practicing to perform to the mass. Just like how natural-born talented artists dig only one hole, they sweat in order to improve themselves. Therefore, the older generation singers are wretched for criticizing these singers for their music perfection. If they receive reverence as a musician for these criticisms, the value of it is nothing.
-From Bestiz,
The rumors that the five members were supposed to lead five different teams due to their excellent skills, but due to financial pressure, was put in one team, doesn’t seem totally false. The harmony that the five sing are solid and constant.
Thank you DBSK fans. DBSK and Kang Ho Dong is close, it’s the truth really.
-Kang Ho Dong-
I feel envious of DBSK for their teenage fans. When DBSK performance ends, the teenage fans follow their van or wait in front of their company. But when I am done with a performance, my fans say, “Ji Hoon, great job.” Park Jin Young hyung once asked me why I don’t have teenage fans.
-Singer Rain-
These kids were wasted. They are all worthy to be solo artists, but formed a group.
-SM Director Lee Soo Man-
Even though it must be hard because so many people recognize them, they always come to greet when we are on the same program. It must be hard to just move around. When they reach the top, at least one hardship comes, but I hope they will get over it well.
-Singer The One-
Source: chunjess@soompi
Trans by: j.adore@soompi
Shared by: DBSKnights + TVXQsoul
Dang!!! I'm so proud of you boys! I hope what these artists saying are true and from their hearts! They are all worthy of all these praises!
Take note, Mr. LSM said something...
I hope the lawsuit will be resolved soon(fingers crossed). Because of this case TVXQ's activities are postponed including the Dream Concert. I miss them so much...
To all the haters and backfighters, CURSES you people. To all the non trust worthy being, I hope you know that what you are doing is definitely BAD!
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Yo! Uknow I'm going to try some silent beat!
Haha....duh, Yesterday we had a meeting for our college days, dated September 25 and 26. I was chosen as a participant for the essay contest. I didn't hesitated accepting it, but, I really wanted to join the Quie Bee. Unfortunately, only 1st year students were allowed to join.
The theme of this year's college days is "Environmental Conservation".
Then, I had a small misunderstanding/miscommunication with my classmate because of "money". Yeah, money only cause problems. It wasn't a big deal. 15 pesos is really just a small amount to argue with.
But, I realized one thing yesterday. Real friends are really hard to find. So, I made an agreement with myself that, I will not easily put my trust on anybody. I'd rather be alone,by myself wherein I actually find peace rather than be "PLASTIC" with other people.
I'm frustrated with my "VISIT".
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
12:34 so mysterious.....
I have been experiencing, these past few days, waking up around the time of 12:34am. I don't know why. Then, last thursday, I found out about the SM town summer album. Then, I notice a song of DBSK, 12:34 yup 12:34 lyrics written by Changminnie....Kapoosh! I was shocked. Is there some kind of connection??? DANG!!! The song and me waking up at 12:34am!
Here is the song...
Gosh! The Music Video of Picture of You is out! Gawd they are so hawt! The music video is totally heaven and so uber spectacular! The boys haven't failed to amaze me when it comes to their voices. Dang! I miss them so much.....
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Gosh, yesterday, at my Educational Psychology class, I felt like the whole world just bounced on my head. Tears started to roll down from my eyes because our facilitator Ms. Lontoc told us that our professor, Mr. Chaves wanted to move our schedule to morning shift due to his weak health. Dang, how can I attend to class at the hours of 10am to 11am, when I have my work at 9:00am to 12:00nn. Shocks! My head was just flooded with different thoughts of dropping, stopping from working etc....I honestly don't wanna stop from working and so is dropping the subject.
I'm already half the way should I go back?
In that situation I instatly remembered my parents, whom I don't want to take charge of my daily allowance. I know they have so many things to think about and I don't want to add up.
Then, I thought about TVXQ, I really needed their music, so I sang "Thanks to" in my head while class was on going. I prayed that another solution would be suggested, there are three people who would loose their jobs in that manner of time including me. How I hoped that Mr. Chaves would give us exceptions for that.
God, please guide us.
There is still no progress with regards to the case of TVXQ and SME. There is still no clear answers to the questions and speculations that are roaming and flooding the net. Another, shocking news is that Micky Yoochun's Audir8 ,which he leased, was being sold. How can he sell a leased car when we all know that he does not own it?
Another is that, SME is trying to gain, again, the copyrights to the name of "Dong Bang Shin Gi".Dang, what are you trying to "cook" Mr. LSM? Ah!
But, despite of all that cases and rumors of disbanding, duh, they are not going to do that, disbanding will NEVER, EVER HAPPEN!. Their activities in Japan is still going including the A-nation concert then the release of Colors Melody and harmony arranged by JaeChun will played in all the Sanrio stores worldwide.DANG!I'm so HAPPY!
They will also be in the release of Seaside for SM Town’s New Summer Album. Yehey,This will be the first SM Town album since 2007. It will have a total of 4 songs, with the title track “Seaside”, sung by Super Junior, DBSK, and SHINee. The songs will be released on the major music sites starting on the 11th. On the 11th, “Seaside” will be released. On the 12th, SHINee’s “Scar”, a dance song, will be released. Super Junior’s “Carnival” will be released on the 13th, and DBSK’s “12:34″ will be released on the 14th. There is also an information that Changmin wrote or going to write the lyrics of 12:34.
Here is the song..... SEASIDE!Omo! Is that Changmin I hear at the beginning?!
So happy happy!!!wee....
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 7:59 PM 0 comments