Okay Guys! Hold your breath here comes the sneak peek from the movie of New Moon itself in Comic Con. Oh! Dang, the girls screaming! Edward and Jacob are so HOT!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
NEW MOON Sneak Peek in Comic Con
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Oh...I'm such a Lazy Person.>__<
Dang, I really am lazy posting aren't I? Last, saturday I wanted to post some of the pictures form my half- sister's wedding and my new hair. But, when I was already typing ,I lose my mood for it. I hate it!
So, here it goes...ahem.. the pictures. Yeah, I had my hair done for the wedding. After my exam in HELE(yeah, my last exam for prelims.), around 9:30 I went straight home. I was not actually expecting that me and my father would go to the wedding after their "little misunderstanding" last week. But,after I changed my clothes my mother suddenly called me and told me that father and I will go the wedding. I was surprised and somehow I felt inside my heart happiness because finally father made up his mind to go there after that "little misunderstanding" they had. Yeah, I was praying for it.
Here's the pictures.. It's their first and last dance. It's so emotional when they were dancing. Ate May was crying throughout the dance and they hugged each other tightly.
Yeah...the slicing of cake. I really liked the flavor.
Then.. me and Ate Anne
Me and my niece Gabriel...
The whole wedding was really fun and emotional. What I really liked about it was, when Ate May was walking on the aisle, her bouquet was not with her but instead girls were dancing their way to her and gave her the bouquet. I'm loving it...
I honestly, so dang LOVE the FOOOODDD!!!! My tummy was hurting after I ate, two thumbs up for the FOOD!Mr. Chef cook for me!
TVXQ Spazzing!
Omog! Before, there were rumors going around that Yunho will be having a drama. I thought it was all a false news but then, last monday, when I checked the forum there was a BIG NEWS.
Gosh! I was really shocked and his leading lady would be Go Ara, the girl in their HUG MV. Dang, after Jaejoong's Heaven's Postman now it's Yunhoshii!
Another, yesterday, when I checked the forum again, another news surprised me.
CHANGMIN WILL DEBUT AS AN ACTOR in "RANCH PARADISE" Shocks! Really, I was surprised! I will be waiting for three consecutive dramas! August, September and October will be my months of DONGBANG dramas! Gosh!!!
My fangirling will be all around in those months!
The thing is, that T.O.P of BigBang will air his drama "Iris" the same time around Yunho's ! Waa...!!!
** On the other side, I hope this will paved their way of stardom here in the Philippines. YEah! From their dramas DONGBANG fever will be spreading here in the Philippines!They'll take the country by storm! Also,I'm happy for 2ne1 because they are already knwon here in the Philippines, yeah, because of Sandara. I love them too... I'll be happy if they will visit here too.
I'm still feeling pity for myself because I don't have any single thing that is TVXQ. Well, except from the brochure that Jet gave me from korea, what I mean is Album, Single, Magazine and Photobook! I don't have any of them! Someday, I will!I'll just stick listening to their music from my IPOD.
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
This week is so DANG bleeding. Why? its because of my preliminary exams!I think I'm going to have a fever because of reviewing.. OMO...so many to memorize, I hate memorization!
. But, although its hard I must do this!I must study hard!
FIGHTING! For my future!
Yesterday I found another cute and addictive song from EPIK HIGH! Here it is!
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I hate this part.......right NOW.>__<
Dang...I'm hating myself RIGHT NOW..while I'm typing this I'm feeling really tired. I haven't reviewed enough for my Prelims, I only have 5 subjects but dang! My brain's not working properly.
My life is so complicated! Being a working student is really TIRING!Now I'm beginning to realize why my other classmates before in Lyceum who were working told me, that working at the same time studying, is really HARD!
I'm so dang feeling CRAZY! Pheww...but I WILL NOT! I'm going to OVERCOME this, I will do my BEST!!!! FIGHTING! As long as I have GOD, my FAMILY and TVXQ, I will not let this become my downfall, I CAN DO THIS!. FIGHTING
TVXQ spazzing!
Okay...I'm really happy for TVXQ today, There are so many GOOD news, like their KOREAN COMEBACK meaning new style that's why JUNSU changed his HAIR COLOR. These are just rumors but my heart is pounding super fast!
AADBSK3 is really awesome but really EXPENSIVE! No matter how much I want it I'm BROKE. I don't even have one single album of them that only cost 1/4 of the price of AADBSK3, how much more with THAT?!
I just gratify myself with their song and speaking of that, I've been addicted to listening to their songs PICTURE OF YOU(composed by JUNSU!), HOLDING BACK THE TEARS and STAND BY YOU. These songs shows their GREAT HARMONIZATION AND VOICES! Of course they have great music, they wouldn't be ASIA MOST HOTTEST IDOLS garnering 50 million votes if they are not!
Jaejoongie is so strong! Look at how he punched the man!
Okay....enough for this. I have to study later tonight....
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 2:59 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
**Fun fun fun....so many STRAIGHT UPS!**
Hmm... I'm quite lazy posting ha?^__^ I've been busy and when I had time in front of the computer I start loosing my mood for posting, I don't know why....hmmm.
*** Dang, I just saw these pictures of Jaejoong wearing a face mask and going back to Japan ALONE!!! People, ALONE!
credits to whomever posted this @ soompi.
Jaejoong! Take care my LOVE!!
No!! My JJ is wearing a face mask! Take good care of your health!
My boys sure have tight schedule, I pray that they'll have a good break! Concert in Beijing, China was superb, CONGRATS BOYS!!
Yesterday, my half- sisters went to our house to give the invitation for Ate May's wedding to us. I was not able to talk to them because I was working at the shop. >__<. They went to pick clothes for father to wear at her wedding. Ahahah..kinda happy for them cause they had a good time bonding with each other. I'm laso quite sad, I might not be able to go to her wedding because I have school that day. :(
So many people is having their hair done! Dang! Five of my former co-workers had their hair done STRAIGHT!Eukyakaya.....^__^
I'm so proud of my boys! TVXQ, you're one of my greatest inspirations! Although, it's next to impossible seeing you in person, I don't care. Ahemmm.. speaking of " I don't care", 2ne1 already released their MV for it. I like this song, I found it more addicting than FIRE.
2ne1 go, go, go!!!
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Omo! I have been experiencing severe soar eyes and chest pain because of this song!
DANG!!! Why did I found this song???!!! MIcky and Jaejoong! Why did you made this so HEART BREAKING SONG!? WHY?!!! Did someone died??!!
Long way people long way people......Junsu shii--->__< Girl...tell me little lie---.....
Okay, let me stop this spazzing about the song. I admit it people, I have been verylazy posting here, yeah, so busy with school and stuff in the house. But, luckily I still work at the computer shop. ^__^ After the succesful concert of theboys in TOKYO DOME, their popularity is rising more and more and they already had their first japanese domestic CF.
Bursting down a wall then sing you an acapella. w00TTT
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 3, 2009
Tonight will be the night!!! TVXQ, will perform the finale of their concert in TOKYO DOME!!! Gosh, I'm so proud of them and very happy that they have reached the pinnacle of their succes by performing in the most infamous concert hall in JAPAN!
I have been nervous for these past few days for this day!!!^__^ I already changed my siggie in soompi to their tokyo dome concert siggie!
I envy those people who will go to their concert!!! Kyaaa!!! I wish they could have a concert here too...=( ^__^ Maybe I should make a wish to SNSD! I reall like their new song and it's vid.... soweounul marebwa!
And also 2ne1 new song " I DON't CARE which has an addictive beat. I can't wait for the official MV of this!
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 10:32 PM 0 comments