Dang, I have just seen the offshot movie of JaeChun for Colors~Melody and Harmony, my goodness the smiles, the SMILES....killed me!
Specially this smile!
I can't help but scream with love while watching it...Why do you have to be so handsome...enough to kill me with just one smile ha? Jaejoong?! And, Micky, why do someone like you have to be so damn CUTE and SMEXY! WHY!
A beautiful song + beautiful boys+ awesome voices and oozing sex appeal= this video!
God guide me, my family, love ones, friends and all the people in this world.^__^
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Killer Smiles...^__^
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 1:47 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
This world is often...unpredictable. Better cherish it before it is too late.^__^
September 26, 2009, Saturday, the Philippines had experienced the unexpected. Typhoon Ondoy, have brought havoc and destroyed many homes that left thousands of people with no abode and killed hundreds. Houses were literally, washed away and land areas have become " WATER WORLD". The day that my college days were wasted enough to be called senseless.
For over forty years, we have experienced another destructive typhoon. I, myself, have experienced its power. I was in my school at that time for the last day of the College Week. I was waiting for the results of the competitions especially of the essay contest which I participated with. Unfortunately, I didn't won the stupid essay contest instead I won the third prize for the raffle ticket, a 4G USB.:D I am even more satisfied and happy with me winning the raffle draw instead of the senseless essay contest which was in fact biased. How can they conduct an essay contest like that? So useless.
I don't want to further elaborate what has happened, I might burst with anger again resulting to the destruction of this keyboard I'm using. :D
It was raining since morning that day, I was practically wet all over. I look like a child abandoned one rainy day. I was the first one in school for the education department(someone better give me a trophy for this. ^__^). I was early because they told me to be there at 7:00am because I were to host a certain program that I didn't even know what it was.I better shot the ones who are responsible for that program because I was waiting for the confirmation ,but the day has ended and I waited for NOTHING!There's no ME hosting....everything is practically so nervewrecking! It was so frustrating because everything that day was so senseless, uncoordinated, biased and WET. It is actually my first time to experienced a college day like that...it wasn't even worthy to be called such. I better call it " wasted college days" ...duh, it is a better fit(I think).
On the other side, it was also a good experience. I was able to bond with my classmates and I think I have made new friends (I suppose they are...:D). The overall activities were very jolly...thus very FUN. They were practically enjoying it...I suppose I'm enjoying it too..a little bit, I think. But, I can clearly remember that my heart pounded when I won the 4G USB.
At the end of the day, it was still raining and the overall winner for the college days was the Education Department...ahem. I'm a little proud being part of it. It was still raining, the streets were practically flood. I slept at Jet dongsaeng's house that night...I just feel so being with her that day. Maybe because of the fact that I was so exaperated and she was the first one that popped out of my mind that could ease that feeling...
It was so fun that night, we did some music tripping..kya! Korean songs and videos all over that night, so FUN!Aigoo!
We went to bed around 10:00pm and woke up at 7:00am. We had bread with chocolate as fillings for breakfast. Then, I went to work around 9:00am. News were spreading everywhere about the aftermath of Typhoon Ondoy. I heard about houses destroyed, many people were dead and chest deep floods. I was really thankful that I didn't have to face those things. Listening to the stories give me goosebumps. Many of the relative and friends were texting me about our condition and replying them "OK" was really a relief.
Seeing pictures and videos of Ondoy's aftermath, I thought about how lucky I am that and my family to be living in a high place. Goodness, I really pity those who were greatly affected. On the other hand, I think this is a lesson to us. Mother Nature intends to teach us and open our eyes about how she is slowly depleting and how reckless we are in using the natural resources. Humanity have become irresponsible. Tons of garbages were literally, swimming in the floods, landslides were everywhere; a result of humankind's recklessness. We are taking the environment for granted, not caring for its plight just to satisfy our expanding human needs.
It's never too late, we must start conserving her for the sake of the human race and for the future generation (I remembered my essay contest). Once again, it's not yet too late.
My gosh, this coming October is really full of FANDOM! Universal records would be releasing TVXQ's albums here! Dang! It'll be really awesome and so damn cool. Then at the end of this month, kpop convention is set to be produced, tentatively October 31. There's also an ongoing online petition about the korean embassy bringing the boys here...damn HERE!!! I can't wait!!!!! I hope this petition would be a success! I want the boys to set their feet here once again...and I'll be there when that happens!I wanna see them LIVE..in their FLESH!Buwahahaha^__^
Okay, before I become hysterical here..JaeChun's song shelter, composed by Jaejoong and Junsu has been released.:D
Micky's rap here is so damn sexy! My Jaejoong, I once again heard rapping sexy baby! Hahahah:D The song itself is mysterious, I had the feeling of nostalgia when I listend to it. Mysterious... very much like Jaejoong.:D
JaeChun's collaboration is fantastic.. they haven't failed to amaze me, well, DBSK never did.:D
Grrr....can't wait for the local release of their album and the kpop convention...kya!!!!!!! I'm so loving it!
Let us all pray for all the people who have suffered from typhoon Ondoy's wrath.
God Guide me, my family, love ones, friends and TVXQ.
The world is giving us a wake-up call. Ondoy is a sign that we have been neglecting Mother Nature's plight. Irresponsibility has been dominant and we have been overruled. Let us open our eyes and accept reality. There is still time to rectify this situation and possible heal itself provided that we must all do our part in saving and conserving the environment; not just for the benefit of the present generation but, for the future generations as well.^__^
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Its been so long....really. :-(
Gah, its really been quite a long time since I heard TVXQ sing as ONE. Though, JaeChun is having their single out at the end of this month, it's still not enough.
Speaking of their single, the full audio track for the song "Been so long" is out.
Jaechun's collaboration never fails to amaze me. Their voices blends with one another, and whatever song they sing comes out beautifully. Once again, I heard Jaejoong rapping...^__^ Why is it that you have a great voice my LOVE?
There has been many expenses these past few days, college days fees, foods etc. I wasn't able to save big time. Hhahaha...but that's okay, I 'm still able to save a few. I'm currently concentrating on my examination reviews and preparing for the essay contest. Sometimes, I think, I'll be going nuts with all of these. But, then since this is what I want,I have to bear with it. ^__^ I just hope I will succeed all of these, provided, I will do my BEST (Of course!).
I have been thinking lately, that I wasn't able to read much since I stopped from going to school for a year. Really, It wasn't easy for me to adjust again in a student life. Thus, I have vowed to myself that I will start reading again for my benefit and to expand my vocabulary and knowledge.
God guide me, my family, love ones, friends and TVXQ.
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Is there an ending???....Yes there is...^__^
This question popped out in my mind after I remembered that today is the deadly(Does this word fit???), terrifying revelation with regards to the result of TVXQ's lawsuit. Yeah, I know the fact that everything has its end and I'm ready to accept that. Although it is quite hard but it's reality.
Besides this TVXQ lawsuit result today, I am also quite problematic on my examinations and essay contest. I am having problems with regards to time management. I'm thinking, that I might look like 10 years older at the end of this month.
Yeah, RIGHT!
I just hope that all of these will end quickly and will have satisfying results.
The other day, HHTG pilot episode was aired. I was lucky enough to watch it yesterday in HD though there is no english subs.I can say that Yunho's acting is really impressive for a first timer, though I find it a little bit awkward (don't kill me for this). I hope for the success of this drama. YUNHOsshii...FIGHTING!
I found an HD version of Colors~ Melody and Harmony...Dang, I'm addicted to this song, I have been playing it for about 50 times a day.
God Guide me, my family, love ones, friends and TVXQ
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
In the world of Colors~Melody and Harmony!
After so many days of being nostalgic;I'm proud to say that I have been saved from the pits of despair. I am now in a better plight and have been cured (I think so...>_<)from Divine Illness. It's totally refreshing feeling to be out of depression. My mind is now in it's best and my physical being is in a good shape.
Yesterday, me and my cousin went to SM to bond. But, actually, we were supposed to buy Sweet and Sour Pork in Golden Crown, but went to SM first. We ate in the food and court and played that "GET THAT STUFF TOY" thing, I was so dang lucky and I got to have 2 stuff toys,MARVELOUS!I named mine Yunho and Melissa named her stuff toy Cheska.We also bought ourselves a Dictionary and Thesaurus. After that "little bonding" we had went to buy what we were supposed to buy.
Today is so dang...WONDERFUL! I have found the ORIGINAL PV and SONG of Colors~Melody and Harmony...!
My boys...coloring that small city..SO CUTE!!Jaejoong and Micky's smiles just KILLED ME!
God Guide me, my family, love ones, friends and TVXQ
Posted by Ladyelhisa at 2:40 AM 0 comments